All tagged life

Dating when you've unpacked your baggage

What I've learnt about people is that you need to let them be. Don't stifle them. Don't try to turn them into who you want. In my case, don't try to make him fit a mould, based on a list (even though he kinda does already...yay manifestation!). That's a recipe for failure, and that should be your own red flag

A Salute to My Twenties!

To my twenties, although I did not want you to end, at the point in time, I did not always appreciate you. I did not believe in the process, or the necessary lessons, and just thought life was often being unfair and unnecessarily hard on me...

I am 29.

I am 29. I am 29? Wait..what?! Well…according to the birth certificate, I am now 29, so let’s go with that.

I’d be lying if I said I don’t cringe everytime I say that. There are and will always be moments of mini (who am I kidding, there’s nothing mini when it comes to emotions with me!), okay major panic attacks where I wonder…